Myopia Control in Lafayette

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Reduce the Progression of Myopia

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, often develops in childhood and becomes progressively worse. While there is no cure for myopia, there are ways to help slow its progression over time. Myopia control encompasses a number of techniques used to reduce the progression of myopia.

Why Consider Myopia Control

There are many benefits of myopia control. First, with myopia control, some patients won’t require as strong of a lens prescription over time. This means fewer glasses prescription updates and better natural vision.

Myopia control can also help to reduce the risk of myopia-related eye problems. People with severe myopia have an increased risk of retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts, and myopic degeneration.

Myopic degeneration is a type of retinal degeneration that affects people with severe myopia. In myopic patients, the inner layer of the eye, the retina, can become very thin and frail, particularly the central portion known as the macula. The macula controls central vision, and damage to this part of the retina can lead to central vision loss.

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Parking Details

Free street parking and free garage parking via 2nd Street. Walking distance from Lafayette BART station.

Our Address

3444 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA 94549

Contact Information

Phone: 925-900-8977
Fax: 925-677-1118
[email protected]

Our Hours

By Appointment Only
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