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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurry Vision?

A young woman squinting to try and read her phone with blurry vision from dry eyes.

Have you noticed your vision becoming slightly blurred, especially after long periods in front of a computer screen? Perhaps surprisingly, dry eyes might be the culprit behind your discomfort. The link between dry eyes and blurry vision lies in the important role the tear film plays in ensuring clear vision. Dry eyes disrupt the tear […]

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Why Do I Wake Up with Dry Eye?

A woman waking up in the morning rubbing her dry irritated eyes.

Waking up with dry, irritated eyes is an all-too-common problem that can make your mornings uncomfortable. Several factors could be at play, such as: By identifying these potential causes and understanding their impact, you can take the right steps to improve your eye comfort, ensuring your mornings start on a brighter and more comfortable note.  […]

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What Are Polarized Sunglasses & Are They Better?

Pair of sunglasses in the sand.

In the world of fashion, eyewear accessories are essential parts of a look that define personal style and enhance visual comfort.  Among such essentials, sunglasses stand out, not just for their chic appeal, but also for their protective features. Have you heard of polarized sunglasses? Are they better than regular, non-polarized sunglasses? The primary benefit […]

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How To Get Rid of Rosacea Permanently

A before and after treatment comparison image of a woman's face with rosacea on the left side and clear skin on the right

Rosacea, a chronic skin condition characterized by facial redness, flushing, visible blood vessels, and sometimes acne-like bumps, can be a source of frustration and discomfort for those who suffer from it.  While there’s currently no cure for rosacea, there are numerous treatments, strategies and lifestyle changes that can help manage and minimize its symptoms, including […]

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How To Get Rid of Acne Scars

A young girl with acne on her cheek looking into a mirror as she squeezes a pimple on her cheek.

Acne—it’s not just a temporary skin intruder that can wreak havoc on your face in its red, inflamed form. Sometimes, it leaves behind a reminder in the form of acne scars, a long-lasting blemish on your skin. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to reduce the appearance of acne scars with […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

A man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his right hand as he rubs his eyes

Dry eyes can be frustrating and chronic. Your optometrist can help you find treatment and get relief, but dry eyes can lead to irritation, discomfort, and more if you don’t seek help.  Dry eyes and headaches sometimes occur together, and people with certain types of headaches are more likely to experience dry eyes, but more […]

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What are the benefits of TempSure Envi Radio Frequency (RF) treatment?

TempSure Envi RF uses sound waves delivered into the deeper tissue to generate heat and stimulate collagen and elastin remodeling. By doing so, RF restores the function and structure of aging eyes and eyelids.  Here are the specific benefits:  Want to improve your dry eyes and eye appearance?  Schedule an appointment at LUMINANCE VISION Dry Eyes […]

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Any other tips for treating dry eyes?

A woman rubbing her eyes due to irritation felt as a result of dry eye.

There are many triggers that perpetuate dry eye symptoms which is why it is very important to eliminate and treat these triggers. When exposed to dry, windy or smoky air, wear protective eyewear. Decrease screen time and take frequent breaks to blink while working on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Reduce contact lens wearing time […]

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