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What causes dry eyes? Are there specific seasons or environmental factors that contribute?

A young woman rubbing her eyes as she experiences discomfort due to dry eye.

There are two main types of dry eye disease: Evaporative and Aqueous Deficient dry eyes. In evaporative dry eyes, the tears you produce evaporate too quickly. In aqueous deficient dry eyes, you don’t produce enough tears. The most common type of dry eye disease is evaporative dry eyes. In evaporative dry eyes, the tears produced […]

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How Does IPL Treat Dry Eye Disease?

An optometrist using IPL treatment to treat a female patient's dry eye.

IPL is an advanced treatment and prevention of dry eye disease. With controlled light energy applied directly onto the face and eyelids, IPL reduces facial and peri-ocular inflammation which is the driving force of dry eye disease.  Facial inflammation is what triggers dry eye disease and, left untreated, will progress it into painful dry eyes. […]

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How Often Should I Get an Eye Exam?

Did you know that women are at a higher risk for certain eye diseases and vision loss than men?  Even if you think your prescription hasn’t changed, it’s important to schedule regular eye exams to monitor your eye health.  sOur team not only checks your visual acuity but also screens for any eye diseases that […]

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